Referencing Board Policy GKD:
The Elgin Independent School District Board of Trustees may permit use of designated school facilities for educational, recreational, civic, or social activities, when these activities do not conflict with school use or with approved policy and procedures. The Superintendent shall make the final decision in regard to the use and fees of all facilities. Additional information regarding non-school use of school facilities can be found in EISD Board Policy GKD Legal and GKD Local.
Elgin ISD reserves the right to refuse and/or terminate a rental agreement. Reasons include, but are not limited to: space availability, over usage of a facility, failure to pay in a timely fashion, failure to comply with all rules and regulations, recurring property losses and/or damages, inappropriate behavior of the renter or their audience, or any activity in conflict with school activities.
To submit a request to use an Elgin ISD facility, the process is as follows:
- Setup a Facilitron S&R Account and/or Login to Submit a Facility Use Request
- For assistance, click on the Need help? tab
- Complete the designated sections of the Request for Use of Facilities Form and submit it online. Allow a minimum of fifteen (15) working days for processing of a new organization prior to the required lead time for requesting facility use or the request may be denied.
- Requests will include a copy of the ACORD Certificate of Liability Insurance with Elgin ISD listed as the certificate holder. Exceptions are noted under the Fees portion of this handout.
- Nonprofit groups must provide documentation of nonprofit status before the approval process will begin. Documentation must be uploaded to the Request for Use of Facilities Form.
- Nonprofit 501(c)3 youth organizations desiring to be classified in Group 1 with 80% or greater Elgin ISD student participation must submit rosters of all participants indicating those students that attend Elgin ISD to the District’s facility approval designee before receiving reduced rates under Group 1 classification.
- Nonprofit groups using any EISD facility for the purpose of raising money may be assessed the published fees under Group 2.
- If approved:
- The event will be scheduled on the EISD Facilities Use Calendar.
- The appropriate fees will be assessed and the group’s contact person will be notified for event details and payment arrangements.
- Payment in full is required at least ten business days prior to the event. For long term agreements, payment must be made by the 1st of each month. Payment deviations must be approved in advance by the District’s designee.
- Individuals or groups whose accounts are past due will forfeit their use of facilities.
- Exceptions are allowed only if approved by the Superintendent.
Priorities for scheduling the use of school facilities shall be as follows:
- The regularly scheduled educational program, including instructional activities; meetings, practices, and performances of school-sponsored groups; and staff meetings related to official school business.
- Meetings and other activities of school support groups organized for the sole purpose of supporting the schools or school-sponsored activities (See Board Policy GE).
- Meetings and other activities of groups made up primarily of school-aged children.
- Meetings of employee organizations (See Board Policy DGA).
- Meetings and activities of other groups on a first-come, first-served basis.
General Rules and Procedures:
- Any changes to the Request for Use of Facilities Form must be submitted online no later than five (5) working days in advance of the event. Fees will not be decreased after the fact if the facility is not used for the entire contracted time.
- Event cancellations must be submitted online at least 48 hours prior to the event.
- School facilities will not be rented on the evening immediately preceding or during designated State testing dates. Building usage may also be limited during Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Spring Break, and the month of August.
- Starting and ending times must include preparation and clean up.
- No meeting or event shall be held in any EISD building unless an approved district employee is present to open and close the facility. The Superintendent’s designee shall arrange for a custodian or other employee to be present for such meetings or events.
- All users of EISD facilities shall ensure that:
- Permission to use the facility shall not be transferred to a third party.
- Facilities are left in the same order and cleanliness as found. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the deposit. If the facility is not clean upon arrival, notify a custodian immediately. Use the district’s facility cleanliness checklist to make sure that the facility has been returned to its original condition.
- All signage and decorations are taken down immediately following the event. Decorations may not deface District property.
- Distribution of nonschool literature shall be submitted for prior review to the Superintendent or designee in accordance with District Policy GKD Local.
- Fixtures, equipment, or furniture are not removed from any building.
- The use of tobacco products are not permitted in District facilities and/or grounds.
- The possession or use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances in any form are not permitted or to be served in District facilities and/or grounds.
- The possession or use of weapons, fireworks or explosives, are not permitted in District facilities and/or grounds.
- Release of liability will be signed prior to the event.
- All children must be supervised at all times and remain in assigned areas.
- District equipment, such as public address systems, microphones, speakers, audio/video equipment, risers and projectors are not available for use unless prior approval has been obtained from EISD.
- Electrical appliances are not permitted in school buildings.
- The group shall, at the discretion of the Superintendent, be required to provide law enforcement officers to help ensure the safety of attending persons as well as to help prevent the destruction of District property.
- Elgin ISD assumes no responsibility for any items left by event sponsors and/or organizers.
Users shall be charged a fee for operation, supervision, and clean-up costs at designated facilities based on the published schedule of fees. In addition to the published schedule of fees, the following information applies:
- Usage fees and insurance requirements are waived for school-sponsored clubs and activities, and the following school-related groups: PTA, booster clubs, educational foundations, and Project Celebration; as well as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, service clubs, 4-H clubs, governmental organizations and municipal departments. Personnel fees may apply.
- Organizations will be classified into the following groups for determining Facility Usage Fees:
- Group 1 – School Related Non-Profit Organizations A) School sponsored clubs and activities. B) School related non-profit designated groups including PTA, booster clubs, educational foundations, project celebration, Boy scouts, Girl scouts, service clubs, 4-H clubs, governmental organizations, municipal departments and 501(c)3 youth organizations that primarily serve Elgin ISD students (80% or greater participation of EISD students, a roster of participants must be provided with EISD students indicated prior to the event). Personnel fees may apply.
- Group 2 – Non-profit Community Organizations A) Youth sports, youth camps, and other organizations having a recognized 501(c)3 status.
- Group 3 – For-profit Organizations A) For profit organizations, companies, or individuals.
- Custodial: Unless there are set up/reset requests, there will be no custodial fees during regular operational hours. A two-hour (minimum) personnel fee will be assessed to open and close facilities outside of regular operating hours. These hours are from the end of school until 7:00 PM on days when students are present. Summer hours will vary. Organizations requesting the use of facilities beyond these hours will be required to hire custodial services to be provided by the District. Custodial services fees will be $30 per hour, per person. Elgin ISD reserves the right to determine the number of custodians needed based on group size and event. Custodial services may be waived by EISD in which case the renting organization will be responsible for all necessary clean up and set up of the facility. Failure to properly cleanup or set up a facility will result in mandatory custodial services for any future use of district facilities by that organization up to termination of the agreement.
- Technology: A two-hour (minimum) personnel fee of $35 per hour will be assessed to set up/take down equipment.
- Supervisor: Required for all middle and high school gym rentals and competition field rentals used for play-offs or tournaments. Facilitator fees will be added to the rental rate. EISD may assign a facilitator for any non-school sponsored event if it is deemed necessary. The facilitator will be in attendance for the length of the event. Supervisor charges will be $35 per hour. An additional fee will be charged for game workers or District personnel as needed.
- Fees for damages will be assessed and may result in loss of further use of District facilities.
- Payment in full is required at least ten business days prior to the event. Exceptions are allowed only if approved by the Superintendent. For long term agreements, payment must be made by the 1st of each month. Payment deviations must be approved in advance by the District’s designee.
- Individuals or groups whose accounts are past due will forfeit their use of facilities.
- Applicable fees may be assessed for the use of multiple areas.
- A $75 fee will be assessed if a fire alarm is pulled without due cause.
- Nonpayment of any fees will result in immediate suspension of building use privileges and in loss of future facility use. Long-Term Use: The rental of school facilities for long-term schedules shall be limited to a maximum of 12 months from the date of approval. All outside signs/banners must be removed immediately after the conclusion of the scheduled meeting. No new school building or facility will be rented for long-term use the first school year in which it opens.