You may add or cancel coverage during the plan year if you have a change in family status. You must notify the benefits department within 31 days of the change.
IRS specified changes in family status include:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Death of a spouse / child
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Termination of spouse's employment
For mid-year changes, email or call (512) 281-3434 ext. 1214.
Section 125 Plan
As an Elgin ISD employee, you are eligible to participate in a Section 125 Plan. Enrollment opportunities are limited to the plan year dates for your employer.
A Section 125 Plan allows you, the employee, to select from a list of available benefits that will meet your family’s benefits needs. Certain benefit premiums are deducted from your gross earnings before federal with-holding taxes are calculated. The amount you elect to have deducted “pre-tax” actually lowers your taxable income. By implementing this plan, your employer is helping you reduce your taxes and increase your take home pay.