Elgin ISD administers the following college board assessments: ACT / SAT/ PSAT NMSQT/TSI.
* ACT is administered to any Senior who is an accelerated tester (a student who took and passed Algebra 1 in 8th grade). The state requires districts to administer a math assessment to all accelerated testers. ACT can also help students become CCMR (College, Career, Military Ready).
* PSAT NMSQT is administered to all 10th grade students to measure college readiness.
* SAT is administered to all Juniors for college prep and CCMR (College, Career, Military Ready).
* TSI (Texas Success Initiative Assessment) is an assessment to determine college readiness. The TSI is administered to 8th grade about mid way through the year and to high school students who need to become CCMR. The best way to prepare for the TSIA is taking practice exams. Have your student contact their counselor or the College, Career and Military Specialist at Elgin High School for more information.