- Solid ROOTS is a campus behavior management system designed to empower students to take responsibility for their own behavior. Special education students receive instruction in all regular education classes, with academic support provided by itinerant teachers and aides. The system is designed to address the student’s presenting problems, get the student in gross compliance, work with the student to devise a plan of action; therefore providing an opportunity for students to practice appropriate classroom behavior. The system is not designed to be counseling, disciplinary or punitive. Solid ROOTS meets the challenge of teaching behavior students by providing a process that teaches students to change old habits of misbehavior through direct instruction and opportunities to practice the behavior in the general education environment.
Homebound Services
- Homebound special education services are for medically determined illnesses (form completed by an MD licensed to practice in the U.S.) Homebound provides certified teachers for one-to-one instruction in the student's home. Lessons and exams are provided by the student's classroom teacher(s) to ensure that similar content is provided.
- An ARD Committee determination which states that a special education student is educated in classes or the community with his or her non-disabled peers for some or all of his or her school day with appropriate modifications and/or accommodations is called inclusion.
Itinerant Instruction
- Instruction that is provided by staff traveling to multiple schools and offer services in such areas as Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.
Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy (OT/PT)
- Occupational therapy and/or physical therapy are related services provided to special education students to access or benefit from their special education program. Occupational and physical therapy provide educationally based support to facilitate a student’s functioning in the school setting. Occupational therapy includes evaluation, consultation, or direct treatment for students with physical, sensory motor, or neurological deficits. Physical therapy includes evaluation, screening, consultation, or direct treatment for students with a physical disability, motor impairment, movement dysfunction, or developmental delay.
Pre-School Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD)
- The Pre-School Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) is designed to meet the unique needs of young children ages 3 through 5 years who meet eligibility criteria identified by the Texas Education Agency. Students 0-3 years of age, identified as having an auditory or visual impairment, are referred to the school district and/or the Early Childhood Intervention agency (ECI), and are evaluated jointly by both programs. The PPCD program provides children with developmentally appropriate experiences to facilitate learning and improve skills in the following areas: communication, social/emotional, fine and gross motor, cognition, and self-help.
Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
- This program is for students ages 0 to 22 with a hearing impairment. Services are provided to eligible students in a variety of instructional settings. Assistance may be provided in the areas of reading comprehension, oral and written language structure, vocabulary building, as well as speech reading, auditory learning, and correct usage of note takers and/or sign language interpreters. Information about audiograms and on the use and care of amplification and other assistive devices is also provided.
Regular Classroom with Accommodations
- Special education staff work cooperatively with the general education teachers to ensure that student modifications and accommodations are understood and implemented in general education classes.
Resource Classes
- These classes are designed to provide instructional assistance to students in mainstream classes. Emphasis may also be placed on development of organizational, study, and/or social skills.
Response to Intervention (RtI)
- High-quality instruction or tiered intervention strategies matched to individual student needs that have been demonstrated through scientific research and practice to result in high learning rates for most students such that they can progress in the general education classroom without referral to special education. Response to Intervention School-Wide System for Student Success.
Visual Impairment
- This is an itinerant program providing assistance to eligible students who spend the majority of the day in mainstream classes. Assistance may be provided in any academic area.